Try This Boxing Method

Try This Boxing Method

The benefits of boxing are numerous: it can give you conditioned muscles, a lean physique, and in general, a strong body that’s athletic enough to move freely. It can also help you to clear your head and reduce stress.

Here’s a practical, minimal-equipment, boxing workout I’ve developed that you can do at home, with weights, leaving you no excuse not to stick with it:

Try this boxing method
Try this boxing method

Boxing workout method


Focus on your neck and shoulder muscles. Rotate your ankles and prepare your leg muscles with simple dynamic stretches.


A hook uses power from your hips and upper body. It should be done in a fluid motion, using both your upper and lower body to follow through with the punch.

  • Take a comfortable boxing stance by putting both of your legs parallel to your shoulders. Then bring your most dominant foot one-half of a step back, and slightly bend your knees so you’re in an athletic stance.
  • Keep your fists in front of your face. Your hands should be lined up outside of your eyes and a few inches away from your face.
  • As you punch, twist your body to your dominant foot side and rotate your front foot. Rotate your upper body as well.



A jab is a punch that goes straight forward.

  • Place your left foot in front of your right and angle your right foot out as if pointing it toward an opponent.
  • Put your hands up by your chin, tuck your elbows in, keep your chin down and make sure your hips are above your feet. Whichever foot is forward is the hand you’ll jab with.
  • Keep an athletic stance with a slight bend in your knees and bring up your back heel just a bit. Bounce around and get comfortable in the stance. Make sure your feet are around shoulder-width apart and your front foot is pointing mostly forward and your back foot is pointing mostly out.



The cross is a punch where you punch across your body. You must transfer your weight from your rear foot to your lead foot. Do this by pivoting your rear foot, rotating your body, bending your knees, and leaning forward very slightly. All of this is done at the exact same time as the cross is thrown.

  • Stand in a jab stance. As you punch, rotate your body counter-clockwise (if your left foot is forward), or clockwise (if your right foot is forward).
  • Pivot your rear foot at the same time that you’re throwing the cross. You should end up with your heel upward and toes on the ground, facing in the same direction as where your cross is heading.
  • Rotate your fist just before you reach the end of the punch so that the palm of your hand is facing downwards towards the floor.
  • Sit down on your punch as you throw the punch. Bending at your knees will allow you to gain more power and maintain your balance.