Check Signals From Your Digestive System

Check Signals From Your Digestive System

Your digestive system has a way of speaking up, and that has a lot to say about what you put in it as well as how much and how often.

Of all our bodily functions, we probably focus more on our digestive system than any other. I’m sure one reason for this is that we have plenty of opportunities to touch base with our digestive tract and take a reading.

Check signals from your digestive system
Check signals from your digestive system

Don’t go too long without eating

When you go too long without eating, a couple of things are likely to happen: you’ll eat quickly because you’re so hungry, and you’ll eat too much because you’re starving.

Either way, you could end up with a touch of indigestion. Your digestive system is likely to be a lot happier if you eat regular meals and snacks throughout the day.

Common digestive system disturbances

  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Irregularity


Gas production is a normal part of the digestive process, and, unless it’s excessive, it usually indicates a healthy intake of fiber and a well-functioning digestive tract. Most foods that contain carbohydrates—anything from beans to bagels—are not completely broken down during digestion.

So, the resident bacteria in your intestines take over, producing gas as they complete the digestive process. The average person passes gas about 14 times a day, releasing about a half liter of gas in the process.

Take your time

When you eat too fast, not only does it lessen the enjoyment of your meal, but you’re more likely to swallow air which can lead to gas and bloating.

When you eat too quickly, you’re more likely to overeat since it takes your stomach about 20 minutes to tell your brain that you’re full. And that can lead to further digestive discomfort.

Lastly, when nature calls, be sure to listen. Too many people put off visits to the restroom if the urge to “go” strikes at an inconvenient time. Sure, the urge may pass, but if you put it off, you’re more likely to have trouble getting the job done.