Wave goodbye to flabby arms

Wave goodbye to flabby arms

This week I’ll work through how you can regain upper arms to make you proud instead of having ‘chicken wings,’ ‘whale flippers’ or ‘granny second waves.’

Both men and women can have a tendency to store fat on their upper arms, and if that applies to you then don’t worry—we can tackle the issue with some key exercises. You may also feel that you have flabby arms if you’ve lost weight and have excess skin in this area. But again, don’t worry—my advice addresses this as well. Together, we will wave goodbye to arm jiggle and show off our toned and defined biceps and triceps.

The benefits of gaining a little muscle

There are several benefits of gaining additional muscle mass. The most exciting being that your body will naturally burn extra calories all day long in order to sustain your new muscle. You will also find that the additional strength you will gain from lifting weights can help you with your day-to-day tasks, and weight-bearing exercise has been linked to considerable improvement in bone density. Resistance training is recommended by ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine), as it is especially beneficial for an aging population.

Focus on toning up and building your strength

Building strong biceps, triceps and shoulders will give you muscle definition and rid you of an arm that continues to move long after you stopped waving.

Try focusing on movements that mimic everyday tasks. Sculpting your arms can be as simple as placing books on a shelf! Try to do exercises that are consistent with your body’s needs. If your job requires you to lift objects throughout the day, then getting strong through stretching and exercise can make your day easier. Excessive direct overhead movements are often not necessary and can cause stress on your shoulder joints, so keep your movements in front of you.

Focus on upper arm strength-building 10 minutes a day

Dedicating a small amount of time each day to upper body resistance training, and avoiding the trap of spending hours a day in the gym, can help you reap the benefits without the severe muscle soreness that over-exercising a specific body part can give you.

Try to dedicate 10 minutes a day to an arm exercise routine, and remember to stretch both before and after you exercise to avoid injury and tight muscles. It’s amazing how quickly your body can respond to resistance training.

Wave goodbye to flabby arms

There are many effective exercises that focus on the upper arm. Try a combination of bicep curls, bent over rows, tricep kickbacks, shoulder presses and plank holds.

The tricep kickback is one of my favorites, as it focuses on the back of your arms, and the tricep can be overlooked in favor of the much more famous bicep.

There are so many health benefits to be gained from a balanced combination of diet and exercise. I believe that taking a little time each day to focus on yourself is never a bad thing, and with a consistent approach, you’ll soon be waving goodbye to sagging arms with an arm wave that stops when you stop.

It’s easy to add in some upper body exercises throughout the day at home or at work. You don’t even need to use heavy weights—a simple full water bottle or cans from the pantry can be a good starting point. In the workplace, you can try using paperweights or a ream of photocopy paper.

You might also want to consider investing in small sandbags, as these can be great tools to help you start toning up. I can also recommend resistance bands, as these stretchy ribbons are a lightweight solution for adding resistance workouts to your day. They are inexpensive and lightweight. so you can take one almost anywhere. Although it’s a different feeling than weights, the resistance created is just as effective for toning your body.