Reduce The Appearance Of Cellulite With Exercise

Reduce The Appearance Of Cellulite With Exercise

This is a hot topic question and, sadly, if you ask most doctors or read the medical research, you will see that it is not possible to get rid of cellulite altogether.

A healthy, active lifestyle is your best bet to reduce the appearance of cellulite, and if you couple regular exercise with a good dose of confidence, then you can banish cellulite worries!

After all, there’s more to life, right? Having cellulite does not mean you’re unhealthy or overweight or undesirable—it means you’re human and many humans get cellulite.

Reduce the appearance of cellulite with exercise
Reduce the appearance of cellulite with exercise

A secret weapon against cellulite

Self-confidence and feeling beautiful regardless of what you can see in the mirror is the perfect fix for cellulite because confidence is beautiful.

The way you carry yourself through life, your posture, and your attitude is ultimately what others around you can see.

To help build your confidence, try improving muscle tone in your legs and glutes by following a resistance-training program combined with quality daily nutrition.

Personally, being active and healthy makes me feel more positive, and the internal and external benefits of being fit to make me feel more confident.

What is cellulite?

Many people have heard of the ‘cottage cheese effect,’ but let me explain what cellulite really is. It’s simply subcutaneous fat. Fat squished under the surface of your skin. It has a dimpled appearance because bands of collagen fibrous connective tissue sometimes push outwards as fat cells expand.

Males and females can suffer cellulite on their buttocks, thighs, and tummy—although more women experience the phenomenon. And, no, having cellulite is not a sign that you are necessarily unhealthily fat. Most people now recognize that cellulite is caused by genetics (and bad luck) and can appear regardless of weight, age, or fitness level.

One of the things that I think makes people horrified by the thought of cellulite is the range of unfortunate names that describe the bumpy appearance: cottage cheese thighs, orange peel skin, chicken skin, and bubble legs. It’s hard to embrace body confidence when you have these descriptive terms running through your mind. So, from now on, let’s just accept cellulite as a reality and choose to find the names amusing rather than hurtful.