Human Growth Hormone Pittsburg – Pennsylvania

Human Growth Hormone Pittsburg – Pennsylvania

Human growth hormone (HGH) anti-aging treatments are now available in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, from the Anti-Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic. Because the body’s HGH levels naturally decrease with age, HGH products could reverse age-related bodily deterioration.

Human Growth Hormone Pittsburg - Pennsylvania
Human Growth Hormone Pittsburg – Pennsylvania

In addition to anti-aging effects, HGH provides other benefits for men and women, including:

  • Builds stronger muscles
  • Boosts hair growth
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Balances blood sugar
  • Increases energy levels
  • Encourages weight loss
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Improves vision and memory
  • Heightened sexual energy
  • Eases anxiety and depression
  • And more

When you commit to hormone therapy, you need ongoing monitoring to maintain healthy hormone levels. The clinic and your hormone doctor monitor levels through blood tests. Our Silver Blood Panel Test looks at cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, bone density, and other key elements.

Silver Blood Panel Test:

Hemogram Creatinine Triglycerides Total testosterone
Vitamin B-12 Uric Acid T.G.O. & T.G.P. DHEA-S
P.S.A (male only) Total cholesterol T4 Cortisol
Fasting glucose HDL cholesterol Estradiol (E2) Insulin
Urea nitrogen LDL cholesterol Progesterone (female only) IGF-1

All of your results help your hormone doctor prescribe the correct dosage and injection schedule. Most people need daily injections, but the exact amount varies. All HGH is delivered fast to your home, once your treatment plan is in place. The best way to administer the HGH is through injection. Our injection kit includes an easy-to-use injection pen, small needles, and premixed HGH.

People following a healthy lifestyle report higher results in our HGH deficiency program. Men may also choose to mix HGH with testosterone to build muscles faster.

Human Growth Hormone Pittsburg – Pennsylvania

Young adults from the age of 30 may begin to have a gradual decrease in the hormone HGH, which is produced by the pituitary gland.

This decrease in the hormone HGH affects a significant deficiency for the growth of the human body, considerably decreases body fat and muscle mass. In this way, it can be noticed that both the body fat located in the abdomen and that of the torso show a significant decrease and therefore the loss of both.

While it is true, the hormone HGH is known as “the mother of all hormones”, it is located at the base of the brain in the pituitary gland. Its importance lies in the fact that it is responsible, among many other things, for the growth of the human being. Being an endocrine gland, its size is very small, perhaps like that of a pea, even so, it makes a large part of the hormone HGH, which is carried throughout the human body through the bloodstream.

The lack of the hormone HGH is recognizable when the person shows difficulties in their aerobic capacity.

Most of the people with overweight problems tend to have significant deficiencies of the hormone HGH.

Although the general health of the patient must first be analyzed to begin an HGH hormone replacement treatment; Various scientific studies show that vaccinating a person with the growth hormone HGH efficiently eliminates 6% of the levels of fat in the body, while at the same time, 6% is gained in muscle mass.

The HGH replacement program that we present aims to raise the patient’s IGF-1 test (HGH test) score to 100 by safely raising 350 ng for every milligram performed in the test.

Among the benefits of HGH – or replacement of human growth hormone we can find:

– Softer and more elastic skin.
– Better ability to increase muscle mass.
– Less loss of bone mass thus avoiding the appearance of osteoporosis.
– Greater insight, mental alertness and memory.
– Greater feeling of rest at bedtime.
– Better capacity for healing and recovery from certain diseases.
– Reduction of body fat.


To measure the levels of HGH, the human growth hormone, it is achieved through a test called insulin growth factor – 1 (IGF – 1) since it spreads through the human body through the circulatory system. The test normally measures nanograms per milliliter, ng per ml.

Human beings after turning 20 years old and as we age, despite the fact that we produce HGH, the levels of this hormone decrease significantly and continue to go from a range of 300 ng per ml to 200 ng per ml until reaching rates as low as 100 ng per ml of potency.

Experiencing a decrease in HGH measured through the IGF-1 test, demonstrates the myriad of signs of aging in the human body. Accumulating fat in the abdomen and torso is one of the main symptoms of minimal HGH-IGF-1 levels. If HGH levels drop, the metabolic level also decreases, which results in burning less daily fat.

Keeping nutrient levels low and not exercising regularly increases the accumulation of unwanted fat in the human body. This even if patients lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly, since the fat deposits that accumulate both in the abdomen and in the obliques are not easy to disappear.

A level below the minimum in HGH-IGF-1 compromises the definition of abs pleasing to the eye. Our treatment begins with the objective of increasing the level of HGH – IGF – 1 in all patients to reach 100 ng points per ml.

Our patients gradually increase the dose to a safe level of 350 ng per ml. Each patient who assures an unbeatable increase in HGH and embraces a strict regimen of nutrition and daily exercise, will see, over time, a decrease in any fat deposits in the abdomen and obliques, managing a pleasant appearance from all points of view.

Replacing HGH with human growth hormone ensures a fixed and constant over time and with just one dose. Each patient who adheres to these three elements to replace HGH will experience safe, beneficial and gradual results as long as they maintain the program for several months.

In addition, if the patient is male, they may be offered the option of testosterone replacement therapy.

Note: Men and women usually need five hormone injections per week. Doses of human growth hormone are given with a 10 mg – 30 IU injection pen.

For the best anti-aging outcomes from hormone injections, we suggest the following:

  • Patients should undertake human growth hormone therapy while maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine to get the greatest benefit.
  • Men should consider combining human growth hormone therapy with testosterone therapy for optimal anti-aging effects.

Remember the human growth hormone injection dose is determined by blood test results and will be under the supervision of a hormone doctor to ensure safety and effectiveness.

If you are ready to lose weight, sleep better and look younger, what are you waiting for?

Testosterone Hormone.

Testosterone, one hormone part of the androgens group, is produced primarily in the testicles in males and ovaries in females. Typical males have testosterone levels that are more than seven times female’s levels.

Testosterone levels rise in pre – puberty at the end of childhood causing the onset of body odor, oily skin and hair, a growth spurt in bone size and mass and the formation of pubic hair.

During puberty testosterone levels rise above normal adult levels as a set of changes occur in the body. This stage brings also the development of facial hair, leg hair chest hair begins.
At the age of thirty testosterone production begins to decline and the total testosterone level which is normally 1200 for a male in his twenties begins to decline. Slowly but surely testosterone levels decline and by middle age many males have substantially lower levels than what they had in their twenties and can experience various symptoms of low testosterone levels:

  • Decline in sex drive
  • Diminished energy and low stamina
  • Body fat increase
  • Depression
  • Decrease of muscle mass and strength
  • Lower bone density

At  Anti Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic testosterone replacement is one of our core services. All patients receive a medical exam and an extensive panel of blood tests prior to beginning testosterone replacement therapy.

We monitor our patient´s testosterone levels during the year with periodic control blood tests.
Some of the benefits of testosterone replacement are increased libido, increased muscle mass, decreased body fat, enhanced sense of well – being, retardation of osteoporosis, increased energy and stamina, lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

Human growth hormone (HGH) is a critical hormone generated by the pituitary gland. Also known as growth hormone (GH), it plays an essential role in metabolism, bone density, muscle growth, and cell repair. It also boosts exercise performance and recovery from injury and disease.

If you’re experiencing an HGH deficiency, you’re more prone to disease, gaining body fat, and lowers the quality of your life.

Human Growth Hormone Pittsburg – Pennsylvania

How does HGH work in the body?

Once the pituitary gland produces the HGH, the somatotropic cells flood the bloodstream while sleeping. After 90 minutes, you enter the rapid eye movement (REM) stage, and this is when the HGH enters your bloodstream.

Once the HGH enters the liver, it converts the hormone to IGF-1 or insulin growth factor. IGF-1 helps generate tissue, bone mass, and boosts our immune system.

What are the sources of HGH?

Before Genentech Labs produced the first synthetic HGH, scientists harvested HGH from human cadavers. Genentech Lab’s innovative recombinant technology in 1985 was the first to produce bioidentical growth hormone, not from corpses. When injected, your body cannot tell the difference between the natural GH produced in the body or the identical hormone synthesized in the lab.

Now, you have five federally approved brands of HGH, including:

  • Humatrope
  • Omnitrope
  • Genotropin
  • Saizen
  • Norditropin

The best delivery system uses the brand Norditropin.

What are the groundbreaking studies?

In 1990, the New England Journal of Medicine published a study proving that men over 60 boosted bone density and muscle mass while undergoing growth hormone therapy.

Almost two decades later, Stanford University conducted a study showing older men supplementing with GH for half a year added 2 kg of muscle mass and lost 2 kg of body fat. The most revealing part was they accomplished this without making any different lifestyle choices.

Why is the injection delivery system the best?

On the market, you can find different human growth hormone delivery choices. Some companies offer pills, liquids, or nasal spray. All claim to work, but any kind of oral delivery system with GH is ineffective and a scam.

The reason is that HGH has a substantial molecular structure, and when ingested orally, cannot be absorbed into the bloodstream. Without going into the bloodstream, the HGH won’t work.

The only way HGH is proven to be useful is through a subcutaneous injection. An injection ensures the HGH enters the bloodstream. Injections use a non-invasive (fast and pain-free) 32 gage disposable needles. It’s essential to keep the HGH refrigerated when not traveling.

What is the anti-aging program?

Anti-aging programs for men and women use HGH are safe and effective. The exact dose depends on initial IGF-1 levels and body composition. Generally, males need about 2.0 IU (international units) each day for five days. The required total amount usually doesn’t exceed 10.0 IU per week.

Women, on the other hand, need about 1.0 to 1.4 IU per week. The total budget is roughly 5.0 to 7.0 IU per week.

The best time to inject the HGH is at night, right before bedtime. This way, your body has the best chance of experiencing optimal results.

Human Growth Hormone Pittsburg – Pennsylvania

The Anti-Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic sells HGH in Pittsburg. Call us now to discover what your body has been missing.

West Pittsburg, Pennsylvania