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Legal HGH in United States

Legal HGH in United States

Some people question whether you can purchase legal HGH in the USA. Perhaps, the next question is, “Is it safe?” And the third question is, “What are the side effects?” Now the Anti-Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic is here to answer all of your questions.

First, HGH is legal in the United States. Second, it is safe when administered under the umbrella of a respected hormone therapy doctor. For these reasons, the possible side effects are minimized, and the HGH anti-aging benefits maximized.

Legal HGH in United States

In a nutshell, Anti-Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic offers legal, safe, and high-quality right now.

Hormone replacement therapy begins with a full blood draw called the Silver Panel Blood Test.

Legal HGH in United States

The Silver 20- Panel Blood Test Includes:

The patient’s blood test results are reviewed by a board-certified hormone doctor with years of experience. The doctor calibrates the growth hormone injections and outlines an injection schedule.

Once the injections begin the patient will start to experience the following HGH benefits:

  • Increased energy
  • Improved sex drive
  • Enhanced quality of sleep
  • Increased muscle strength
  • Improved cognitive abilities
  • A higher sense of peace
  • Decreased wrinkles and fine lines
  • And more

For those patients worried about administering hormone injections, our plan comes with provided tiny needles that are painless and a handy IU pen. The pen is manufactured by a top brand and simple to use. We want our patients to experience hormone therapy that’s effective and simple.


Young adults from the age of 30 may begin to have a gradual decrease in the hormone HGH, which is produced by the pituitary gland.

This decrease in the hormone HGH affects a significant deficiency for the growth of the human body, considerably decreases body fat and muscle mass. In this way, it can be noticed that both the body fat located in the abdomen and that of the torso show a significant decrease and therefore the loss of both.

While it is true, the hormone HGH is known as “the mother of all hormones”, it is located at the base of the brain in the pituitary gland. Its importance lies in the fact that it is responsible, among many other things, for the growth of the human being. Being an endocrine gland, its size is very small, perhaps like that of a pea, even so, it makes a large part of the hormone HGH, which is carried throughout the human body through the bloodstream.

The lack of the hormone HGH is recognizable when the person shows difficulties in their aerobic capacity.

Most of the people with overweight problems tend to have significant deficiencies of the hormone HGH.

Although the general health of the patient must first be analyzed to begin an HGH hormone replacement treatment; Various scientific studies show that vaccinating a person with the growth hormone HGH efficiently eliminates 6% of the levels of fat in the body, while at the same time, 6% is gained in muscle mass.
The HGH replacement program that we present aims to raise the patient’s IGF-1 test (HGH test) score to 100 by safely raising 350 ng for every milligram performed in the test.

Among the benefits of HGH – or replacement of human growth hormone we can find:
– Softer and more elastic skin.
– Better ability to increase muscle mass.
– Less loss of bone mass thus avoiding the appearance of osteoporosis.
– Greater insight, mental alertness and memory.
– Greater feeling of rest at bedtime.
– Better capacity for healing and recovery from certain diseases.
– Reduction of body fat.


In males, there is a group of hormones that are responsible for the reproduction activities, that group is called Androgens, and leading all male traits and behaviors is the Testosterone, which is the main male sex hormone.

The natural increment of testosterone production in young males takes place across the process of puberty, when these individuals will take the leap into adulthood. Puberty changes are many, but all of them are promoted by testosterone:

  • Increased density of bones and muscle mass
  • Enlargement of penis and testicles
  • Deepening of the voice
  • Growth of facial hair and body structure and appearance.

When a male individual reaches the adultness(sexual maturity), this hormone is key in regulating several processes such as:

  • Muscle mass and its strength
  • Red blood cell production
  • Sperm production
  • Libido
  • Fat distribution
  • Bone mass


Testosterone levels and its production are directly related with individual customs, lifestyle and genetic heritance. Behaviors such as good alimentary habits, and an active lifestyle promote higher levels of testosterone, while sedentarism and obesity lead to low production of this hormone.
Male levels of testosterone levels experiment a massive decrease in the production of testosterone, good portion of them(15%) start to experiment symptoms at the end of their twenties; as a result of their deficiency, the most common ones are:

  • Decline in sex drive
  • Diminished energy and low stamina
  • Body fat increase
  • Depression
  • Decrease of muscle mass and strength
  • Lower bone density

Bio-identical testosterone cypionate, is a safe alternative to increment the levels of male testosterone in your body, when you are experiencing those symptoms.
All our patients are submitted to an initial blood test that helps to decide the needed dose. Once done, we analyze the results and depending on the values, er offer you bio-identical testosterone cypionate in 10ml vials, with a concentration of 250ml per dl. Typical male patients(depending on their weight and blood test results) will inject a dose between 0.60 and 1.00ml per week.
Main goal for Anti Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic is to provide patients with an effective and safe program, that helps to elevate the levels of the hormone while continuously monitored with control blood tests to ensure elevations are optimum.


Fighting age with HGH

Hormones are critical messengers in the human body. One of those messengers is the human growth hormone (HGH) or known simply as growth hormone (GH). When you’re young, you have optimal levels of GH in your bloodstream, but like other vital hormones decreases as you age.

But for some, levels of HGH become unnaturally low, resulting in health problems. Low HGH levels can affect everything from your metabolism to fighting fat. It can also cause depression and low sex drive.

Research has shown that HGH helps fight age, build muscle, and improves metabolism. Men and women having hormone therapy with HGH report feeling younger and stronger.

While each hormone therapy plan is different for each person, men usually need about 2.0 IU (international units) per day. The patient injects the hormone for five days each week.

Women usually need less (1.0 to 1.4 per week), but the injection schedule includes five days per week.

Men and women inject the HGH right before sleep to ensure the best anti-aging outcomes.

HGH in the body

The pituitary gland in the brain has somatotropic cells responsible for storing and releasing HGH. When you enter your rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the somatotropic cells release the HGH into the bloodstream.

The HGH travels to the liver, where the liver transforms the HGH into IGF-1 or insulin growth factor. IGF-1’s primary functions are to create tissue regeneration, boost the immune system, and increase bone density. Low IGF-1 causes tiredness, depression and anxiety, and excess fat.

HGH injection system

You can find a lot of misinformation online about what is the best way to administer HGH. Some people claim that a pill, nasal spray, or liquid is superior to an injection. This claim isn’t valid.

HGH is a 191 amino acid polypeptide with an enormous molecular structure. Due to its size, HGH is incapable of entering the liver via the bloodstream when swallowed. The only way HGH can viably enter the blood is through a subcutaneous injection. If anyone tells you otherwise, it’s a scam.


HGH injections are fast and painless when done with a tiny 32 gage disposable needle. In seconds, HGH enters the bloodstream and begins to do its job— fight age, build muscle, and boost immune function.

Remember to keep the HGH in the refrigerator to keep it fresh.

Studies proving HGH works

Research published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1990 showed that males over 60 had boosted muscle mass and increased bone density when injecting HGH.

The second study years later in 2007 revealed that older people using hormone therapy with HGH had a significant muscle mass increase (2 kg) and an equally substantial body fat loss (2 kg).

No one in the study changed anything about their diet or daily exercise program.

Safe HGH sources

It’s hard to believe that HGH once came from human cadavers. Sourcing HGH from corpses changed in 1985. Genentech Labs revolutionized a new technology called DNA recombinant technology. The technology allowed the synthetization of HGH. The new HGH was identical to the HGH produced in the body and, when injected, has the same anti-aging effect.

Now you can find the following HGH brands:

  • Norditropin
  • Humatrope
  • Omnitrope
  • Genotropin
  • Saizen

All of the brands are federally-approved, but the Norditropin gives you the best outcomes at a price you can afford.

Legal HGH in United States

How is bio-identical HGH, human growth hormone produced?

The medical term for HGH produced in a pharmaceutical lab is somatropin. Pharmaceutically produced HGH uses recombinant DNA technology.

Scientists were able to synthesize the DNA sequence that directs the cells in our pituitary gland to produce HGH, human growth hormone.

This DNA sequence is injected into bacterial cells instructing them to manufacture HGH, human growth hormone.

Genentech Labs received FDA approval for the first bio-identical HGH in 1985. Since that time many other competitive brands of HGH have been approved and are on the market.

Some of these brands are;

Norditropin, Genotropin, Humatrope, Saizen, Omnitrope, Protropin.

We prefer the Norditropin brand for the ease of its delivery system and fair value cost.

Bio-identical testosterone, how is it produced?

The molecular structure of synthetized testosterone from soybeans and yams’ testosterone is identical to the human hormone produced in our bodies. That is the reason why the pharmaceutical companies use them to synthetize it.

We offer you testosterone injectables, specifically, testosterone cypionate in 10 ml vials 250 mg per ml. Injectable testosterone include a chemical compound derived from an acid in which at least one –OH group is replaced by an –O–alkyl group, also known as “ester”, added to the testosterone molecule.

When prescribed, bio-identical testosterone replacement, can be found in a variety of forms such as: injectable, creams, and pellets.

Names of pharmaceutical companies producing testosterone are Allergan, Abbvie, UpJohn, and Endo Pharmaceuticals.

You can buy HGH in the United States legally right now.

Call us today for all the details and begin to feel your best with legal HGH.

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