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HGH Weight Loss in Atlanta – Georgia

HGH Weight Loss in Atlanta – Georgia

As we age up passing through our thirties, forties, and beyond our level of HGH – human growth hormone continues to decline. This decline of our HGH level leads to increased body fat levels with unwanted accumulation of fat deposits in our abdominal muscles and oblique areas. Even people that embrace healthy nutrition and engage in prolonged sessions of cardio training find it very difficult to get rid of these fat deposits, which can be very frustrating and disappointing.

A properly managed HGH – human growth hormone replacement program can dramatically accelerate weight loss and removal of unwanted body fat. HGH for weight loss can be a key component in weight management and reducing body fat.


A Stanford University clinical study found that HGH replacement with subjects that did not change their lifestyle produced a 6% reduction of body fat and a 6 % increase in muscle mass over a six month period.

HGH – human growth hormone circulating in our blood stream is measured by a test called IGF – 1 (insulin growth factor – 1) in ng per ml. As part of our anti – aging program, all of our patients have our preliminary blood panel, which includes measuring your HGH – human growth hormone level on the IGF -1 test. Our goal is to elevate our patients 100 points on the IGF – 1 (HGH) test. This is a good healthy anti – aging elevation. The dosage of HGH required is a function of the patient´s base HGH blood test result and their weight. Many HGH clinics prescribe low dosages to keep the total cost down, depriving their patients from achieving a good elevation. Without a good elevated HGH level, burning body fat and losing weight is not going to be attainable.

After patients have been on our HGH replacement program for a month, they can gradually increase their daily HGH injection dosage to achieve the maximum, and optimum safe elevation of 350 ng per ml on the IGF – 1 – HGH test.

Patients that achieve the optimum HGH elevation of 350 ng per ml, combined with healthy nutrition and exercise, will reap the benefits of optimal HGH replacement therapy. The HGH influenced defined abdominals and lost “love handles” is the reward for patients that diligently follow the guidelines of our HGH replacement program.


We offer HGH in the form of an easy to use 10 mg – 30 IU pen. HGH for weight loss is injected with a tiny 6 mm – 31 gauge disposable needle.

All new patients should have our Basic Blood Panel prior to starting HGH Weight injections.

Basic Panel HGH weight loss blood tests: $550.00

1. CBC (complete blood count)
2. Liver enzymes: AST, ALT
3. Kidney function: BUN, Creatinine
4. IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor to measure levels of Growth Hormone)
5. Total testosterone
6. PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)

Local Atlanta, Georgia residents on the hunt for Human Growth Hormone (HGH) replacement therapy have an alternative to paying between $1,500 to $2,500 per month for treatment. We will deliver HGH straight to your desired address, securely, 100% legally, and in a cold box.

We provide the same medication from the same manufacturer at a fragment of that price. It was the pharmaceutical industry’s best kept secret. Regular people in Atlanta, Georgia pay 2 to 3 times more than in other countries for the same HGH medicine.

We are shattering big pharma’s massive price spread over the U.S. consumer with same-day shipping in a temperature-controlled box. Real doctors, real programs, and real prescriptions.

We actively provide blood testing at your local HGH laboratory in Atlanta, Georgia, through our laboratory enrollment system. Get the best brand of HGH for half or even a third of the price of what U.S. pharmacies normally charge.


If you happen to be skeptical about our treatment at our HGH and testosterone clinic, please do not hesitate to contact us either by phone or email and get more information about our experienced medical staff.

You just have to call us at our toll-free number: 1 800 778 7012 or send us an e-mail to to ask for a free medical consultation.

We have been in the business for more than 12 years!

For numerous medications such as human growth hormone in Atlanta (HGH in Atlanta), we generally pay three times more than most other countries. Even though, these are exactly the same medicines.

We are extremely fortunate to prescribe the leader and finest quality HGH in Atlanta, Georgia.

It comes pre-mixed and in one of the smoothest to use pen systems ever developed. The HGH injection pen is a complete game changer in adult human growth hormone replacement therapy, and we deliver it in a safe and secure manner directly to your home, office, or preferable location in a professionally packaged cold box.

Now is the time to begin HGH weight loss therapy and increase the vitality and quality of your life.

Fill out our contact box now and send us an inquiry!

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