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HGH Therapy in USA

HGH Therapy in USA

Are you looking to feel young again? But you’ve tried everything. You eat great. You exercise regularly, but you’re not getting where you want to be fast enough. Now is the time to try HGH therapy in the USA. The Anti-Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic offers customized HGH therapy for men and women, regardless of background. Our growth hormone is better than the competition in quality and price. But more than that, it’s legal and safe.

HGH Therapy in USA

Reported Anti-aging HGH Benefits:

  • Improved memory
  • HGH for weight loss
  • Increased stamina
  • Better recovery rate
  • Increased muscle strength
  • Softer, more supple skin
  • A higher feeling of well-being
  • Less body fat (feel and look great)
  • And much more…

How do we offer HGH therapy that works?

  1. Each new patient is assigned a personalized hormone doctor
  2. Undergo a 20-panel blood test (in the privacy of your own home)
  3. A customized treatment plan created based on eligibility and test results
  4. Human growth hormone shipped overnight (fast HGH therapy in the USA)
  5. Patients receive complimentary small injection needles for ease and convenience
  6. Dosage premixed in a top-brand injection pen
  7. Ongoing HGH support is given (as needed)

The 20-Panel HGH Signature Blood Test:

For those looking for HGH therapy in the USA, the Anti-Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic provides excellent customer service at great prices.

The average person thinks of the damage of aging as an inevitable process of wear and tear.   However, if wear and tear were the primary cause of aging in humans, a 60 year-old should have only twice the signs of aging as a 30 year-old.

Why do most 30-year-olds show few effects of aging, while the effects of aging are so obvious in a 60 year-old person?   If wear and tear were the major cause of aging, a 90-year-old person would only have 3 times as much aging damage as a 30-year-old.

HGH Therapy in USA

The HGH hormone produced by the pituitary gland gradually decreases as the body ages. This happens from the age of 30 onwards.

Such a decrease in the hormone HGH, leads to a serious failure in human growth, significantly reducing both body fat and muscle mass. In such a way that, although body fat is usually located in the abdomen and extreme points of the torso, with this decrease, there will be a significant loss of both.

Although the HGH hormone is known as the mother of all hormones, it is found at the base of the human brain, in the pituitary gland. It is of great importance because it is responsible, among other things, for human growth. As an endocrine gland, roughly the size of a bean, it makes most of the human growth hormone GHG, which is transported through the circulatory system at night.

When a person has very low levels of HGH it is revealed in an aerobic deficiency.

Many people with obesity problems tend to have significant deficiencies of the hormone HGH.

Various scientific analyzes have shown that inoculating the human growth hormone HGH helps to eliminate body fat levels by 6% and also increase muscle by 6%. Although first, it is necessary to analyze how the patient’s health is in order to start hormone replacement therapy.

The HGH replacement system carries the mission of raising the patient’s IGF-1 test with the HGH test by 100 points, to a maximum safe spike of 350 mg for each milligram in the test.

What benefits does the human receive when it replaces the human growth hormone HGH?

– Decrease in body fat.
– Increase in muscle mass.
– A higher level of restoration and healing.
– Sleep becomes restorative and deeply enjoyable.
– Significantly prevents osteoporosis and loss of mass in the bone system.
– Helps to stay alert, better concentration, focus, as well as a better memory.
– Repairs the skin leaving it softer and more elastic.

Testosterone Hormone.

Testosterone, one hormone part of the androgens group, is produced primarily in the testicles in males and ovaries in females. Typical males have testosterone levels that are more than seven times female’s levels.


Testosterone levels rise in pre – puberty at the end of childhood causing the onset of body odor, oily skin and hair, a growth spurt in bone size and mass and the formation of pubic hair.

During puberty testosterone levels rise above normal adult levels as a set of changes occur in the body. This stage brings also the development of facial hair, leg hair chest hair begins.
At the age of thirty testosterone production begins to decline and the total testosterone level which is normally 1200 for a male in his twenties begins to decline. Slowly but surely testosterone levels decline and by middle age many males have substantially lower levels than what they had in their twenties and can experience various symptoms of low testosterone levels:

  • Decline in sex drive
  • Diminished energy and low stamina
  • Body fat increase
  • Depression
  • Decrease of muscle mass and strength
  • Lower bone density

At  Anti Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic testosterone replacement is one of our core services. All patients receive a medical exam and an extensive panel of blood tests prior to beginning testosterone replacement therapy.


We monitor our patient´s testosterone levels during the year with periodic control blood tests.
Some of the benefits of testosterone replacement are increased libido, increased muscle mass, decreased body fat, enhanced sense of well – being, retardation of osteoporosis, increased energy and stamina, lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is naturally produced in the body by the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland has somatotropic cells that store and then release the HGH while you’re sleeping. During the REM sleep, HGH floods the bloodstream.

HGH Bodily Process

At this point, the liver changes the HGH into insulin growth factor or IGF-1. The purpose of IGF-1 is to stimulate tissue regeneration, bone density, and our immune system. If you have low levels of HGH, you may feel run-down, experience sadness or depression, and have high levels of body fat in adults.

Groundbreaking Studies

In the last 40 years, there have been two innovative studies changing what the scientific community understands about HGH. The first one, published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1990, revealed that men over 60 had improved bone density and muscle mass using hormone replacement therapy with HGH.

The second study at Stanford University in 2007 showed that geriatric individuals taking HGH for six months increased 2 kg of muscle mass while losing 2 kg of body fat without changing anything about their diet or exercise regimens.

Injection Delivery System

When undergoing hormone replacement therapy with HGH, you have different choices, but the best one is a non-invasive injection. The reason is that HGH has a large molecular structure, due to it being a 191 amino acid polypeptide.

If you take HGH through a pill, liquid, nasal spray, or any oral delivery method, your body can’t absorb it into the bloodstream. HGH hormone therapy using oral delivery plans are scams and should be avoided.

The only way HGH can enter the bloodstream is through injection using a small 32 gage disposable needle. The quick and pain-free non-invasive injection ensures the HGH treatment is valid. To keep the HGH fresh, store it in the refrigerator.
Source of HGH

Human cadavers used to provide harvested HGH before 1985. In 1985, Genentech Labs revolutionized DNA recombinant technology to mimic the human growth hormone produced in the body.

HGH Therapy in USA

The HGH generated in the lab mirrored the HGH produced in our bodies. Since it became available, there are now multiple identical HGH approved brands by the FDA, including:

  • Omnitrope
  • Humatrope
  • Genotropin
  • Norditropin
  • Saizen

Out of all the HGH choices, the superior value delivery choice is Norditropin.

Anti-aging Program

HGH levels naturally decline as men and women age. An essential part of an anti-aging program is to replenish the low HGH levels.

The anti-aging dose for most men is 2.0 IU (international units) per day, for five days a week. The total budget is 10.0 IU per week.

Most women require 1.0 to 1.4 IU per week, with a total budget between 5.0 to 7.0 IU per week.

For optimal results, inject HGH at night, right before bedtime.

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