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HGH in Columbus – Ohio

HGH in Columbus – Ohio

What is HGH or human growth hormone? HGH is produced in the pituitary gland and affects many critical bodily functions. As you age, the amount of growth hormone decreases, making replenishment a priority for residents of Columbus, Ohio. Some locals even swear it’s the fountain of youth. Well, there are no guarantees you’ll live forever, but one certainty is that Anti-Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic now offers human growth hormone for sale legally.

Since 2008, our clinic has serviced Ohioans with high-quality HGH at below market rate prices. For some, the question is not whether it’s good but what are the HGH benefits.

HGH in Columbus – Ohio

How does HGH hormone therapy help me?

  • Healthier looking body
  • Stronger immune system
  • More restful slumber
  • A sense of peace and well-being
  • Reduced cortisone (the stress hormone)
  • More defined muscles
  • A faster rate of healing and recovery
  • Increased libido
  • Supple, smooth skin
  • Increased muscle mass
  • And much more

What is the hormone replacement process?

  1. The hormone replacement begins with a complete medical evaluation by a licensed physician. Your hormone doctor looks at your medical history and needs.
  2. Each new patient takes a blood draw (usually in the comfort of their home), and the results determine dosing calibration.
  3. The correct dose is placed in a convenient 10 mg – 30 IU pen. The injections are painless and easy to administer with the small accompanying needles.

Our Signature Blood Test Measures the Following:

HemogramCreatinineTriglyceridesTotal testosterone
Vitamin B-12Uric AcidT.G.O. & T.G.P.DHEA-S
P.S.A (male only)Total cholesterolT4Cortisol
Fasting glucoseHDL cholesterolEstradiol (E2)Insulin
Urea nitrogenLDL cholesterolProgesterone (female only)IGF-1

Hormone Treatment Advice

Most doctor’s advice encourages patients to receive HGH bio-identical hormone replacement therapy with testosterone. While HGH works great on its own, adding testosterone intensifies the anti-aging effects. It’s also important to include a healthy diet and exercise schedule for men and women to increase health benefits.

For those wanting to live their lives to the fullest, buy HGH in Columbus, Ohio today.

Call us with any questions and begin HGH treatment.

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