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HGH – Human Growth Hormone – San Antonio

HGH – Human Growth Hormone – San Antonio

HGH – Human Growth Hormone – San Antonio

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is naturally produced in the body by the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland has somatotropic cells that store and then release the HGH while you’re sleeping. During the REM sleep, HGH floods the bloodstream.


HGH Bodily Process

At this point, the liver changes the HGH into insulin growth factor or IGF-1. The purpose of IGF-1 is to stimulate tissue regeneration, bone density, and our immune system. If you have low levels of HGH, you may feel run-down, experience sadness or depression, and have high levels of body fat in adults.

Groundbreaking Studies

In the last 40 years, there have been two innovative studies changing what the scientific community understands about HGH. The first one, published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1990, revealed that men over 60 had improved bone density and muscle mass using hormone replacement therapy with HGH.

The second study at Stanford University in 2007 showed that geriatric individuals taking HGH for six months increased 2 kg of muscle mass while losing 2 kg of body fat without changing anything about their diet or exercise regimens.

Injection Delivery System

When undergoing hormone replacement therapy with HGH, you have different choices, but the best one is a non-invasive injection. The reason is that HGH has a large molecular structure, due to it being a 191 amino acid polypeptide.

If you take HGH through a pill, liquid, nasal spray, or any oral delivery method, your body can’t absorb it into the bloodstream. HGH hormone therapy using oral delivery plans are scams and should be avoided.

The only way HGH can enter the bloodstream is through injection using a small 32 gage disposable needle. The quick and pain-free non-invasive injection ensures the HGH treatment is valid. To keep the HGH fresh, store it in the refrigerator.

Source of HGH

Human cadavers used to provide harvested HGH before 1985. In 1985, Genentech Labs revolutionized DNA recombinant technology to mimic the human growth hormone produced in the body.

The HGH generated in the lab mirrored the HGH produced in our bodies. Since it became available, there are now multiple identical HGH approved brands by the FDA, including:

● Omnitrope
● Humatrope
● Genotropin
● Norditropin
● Saizen

Out of all the HGH choices, the superior value delivery choice is Norditropin.

Anti-aging Program

HGH levels naturally decline as men and women age. An essential part of an anti-aging program is to replenish the low HGH levels.

The anti-aging dose for most men is 2.0 IU (international units) per day, for five days a week. The total budget is 10.0 IU per week.

Most women require 1.0 to 1.4 IU per week, with a total budget between 5.0 to 7.0 IU per week.

For optimal results, inject HGH at night, right before bedtime.

You can get HGH – Human Growth Hormone in San Antonio, Texas today.

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