HGH – Human Growth Hormone – Dallas
HGH – Human Growth Hormone – Dallas
Human growth hormone (HGH) is a critical hormone generated by the pituitary gland. Also known as growth hormone (GH), it plays an essential role in metabolism, bone density, muscle growth, and cell repair. It also boosts exercise performance and recovery from injury and disease.
If you’re experiencing an HGH deficiency, you’re more prone to disease, gaining body fat, and lowers the quality of your life.
How does HGH work in the body?
Once the pituitary gland produces the HGH, the somatotropic cells flood the bloodstream while sleeping. After 90 minutes, you enter the rapid eye movement (REM) stage, and this is when the HGH enters your bloodstream.
Once the HGH enters the liver, it converts the hormone to IGF-1 or insulin growth factor. IGF-1 helps generate tissue, bone mass, and boosts our immune system.
What are the sources of HGH?
Before Genentech Labs produced the first synthetic HGH, scientists harvested HGH from human cadavers. Genentech Lab’s innovative recombinant technology in 1985 was the first to produce bioidentical growth hormone, not from corpses. When injected, your body cannot tell the difference between the natural GH produced in the body or the identical hormone synthesized in the lab.
Now, you have five federally approved brands of HGH, including:
● Humatrope
● Omnitrope
● Genotropin
● Saizen
● Norditropin
The best delivery system uses the brand Norditropin.
What are the groundbreaking studies?
In 1990, the New England Journal of Medicine published a study proving that men over 60 boosted bone density and muscle mass while undergoing growth hormone therapy.
Almost two decades later, Stanford University conducted a study showing older men supplementing with GH for half a year added 2 kg of muscle mass and lost 2 kg of body fat. The most revealing part was they accomplished this without making any different lifestyle choices.
Why is the injection delivery system the best?
On the market, you can find different human growth hormone delivery choices. Some companies offer pills, liquids, or nasal spray. All claim to work, but any kind of oral delivery system with GH is ineffective and a scam.
The reason is that HGH has a substantial molecular structure, and when ingested orally, cannot be absorbed into the bloodstream. Without going into the bloodstream, the HGH won’t work.
The only way HGH is proven to be useful is through a subcutaneous injection. An injection ensures the HGH enters the bloodstream. Injections use a non-invasive (fast and pain-free) 32 gage disposable needles. It’s essential to keep the HGH refrigerated when not traveling.
What is the anti-aging program?
Anti-aging programs for men and women use HGH are safe and effective. The exact dose depends on initial IGF-1 levels and body composition. Generally, males need about 2.0 IU (international units) each day for five days. The required total amount usually doesn’t exceed 10.0 IU per week.
Women, on the other hand, need about 1.0 to 1.4 IU per week. The total budget is roughly 5.0 to 7.0 IU per week.
The best time to inject the HGH is at night, right before bedtime. This way, your body has the best chance of experiencing optimal results.
You can get HGH – Human Growth Hormone in Dallas, Texas today.
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