HGH Baltimore – Maryland Human Growth Hormone
HGH Baltimore – Maryland Human Growth Hormone
Anti Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic offers Baltimore, Maryland residents legal HGH human growth hormone treatment at a far more accessible cost than can be purchased locally and in the USA.
HGH level optimization is a fundamental part of our anti-aging plan utilizing bio-identical HGH and testosterone replacement in safe physiologic levels. We offer the highest standards of medical care and the best medications available. There are no legal issues providing HGH therapy in our location.
How is bio-identical HGH, human growth hormone produced?
The medical term for HGH produced in a pharmaceutical lab is somatropin. Pharmaceutically produced HGH uses recombinant DNA technology.
Scientists were able to synthesize the DNA sequence that directs the cells in our pituitary gland to produce HGH, human growth hormone.
This DNA sequence is injected into bacterial cells instructing them to manufacture HGH, human growth hormone.
Genentech Labs received FDA approval for the first bio-identical HGH in 1985. Since that time many other competitive brands of HGH have been approved and are on the market.
Some of these brands are;
Norditropin, Genotropin, Humatrope, Saizen, Omnitrope, Protropin.
We prefer the Norditropin brand for the ease of its delivery system and fair value cost.
Bio-identical testosterone, how is it produced?
The molecular structure of synthetized testosterone from soybeans and yams’ testosterone is identical to the human hormone produced in our bodies. That is the reason why the pharmaceutical companies use them to synthetize it.
We offer you testosterone injectables, specifically, testosterone cypionate in 10 ml vials 250 mg per ml. Injectable testosterone include a chemical compound derived from an acid in which at least one –OH group is replaced by an –O–alkyl group, also known as “ester”, added to the testosterone molecule.
When prescribed, bio-identical testosterone replacement, can be found in a variety of forms such as: injectable, creams, and pellets.
Names of pharmaceutical companies producing testosterone are Allergan, Abbvie, UpJohn, and Endo Pharmaceuticals.