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HGH and Testosterone in Washington D.C.

HGH and Testosterone in Washington DC

Washington DC residents have now a reliable and fast access to FDA approved HGH and Testosterone. You can now buy HGH and Testosterone in Washington DC through the Anti Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic.

HGH and Testosterone in Washington D.C.

In males, there is a group of hormones that are responsible for the reproduction activities, that group is called Androgens, and leading all male traits and behaviors is the Testosterone, which is the main male sex hormone.

The natural increment of testosterone production in young males takes place across the process of puberty, when these individuals will take the leap into adulthood. Puberty changes are many, but all of them are promoted by testosterone:

• Increased density of bones and muscle mass
• Enlargement of penis and testicles
• Deepening of the voice
• Growth of facial hair and body structure and appearance.

When a male individual reaches the adultness(sexual maturity), this hormone is key in regulating several processes such as:

• Muscle mass and its strength
• Red blood cell production
• Sperm production
• Libido
• Fat distribution
• Bone mass

Testosterone levels and its production are directly related with individual customs, lifestyle and genetic heritage. Behaviors such as good alimentary habits, and an active lifestyle promote higher levels of testosterone, while sedentarism and obesity lead to low production of this hormone.

Male levels of testosterone levels experiment a massive decrease in the production of testosterone, good portion of them(15%) start to experiment symptoms at the end of their twenties; as a result of their deficiency, the most common ones are:

• Decline in sex drive
• Diminished energy and low stamina
• Body fat increase
• Depression
• Decrease of muscle mass and strength
• Lower bone density

Bio-identical testosterone cypionate, is a safe alternative to increment the levels of male testosterone in your body, when you are experiencing those symptoms.

All our patients are submitted to an initial blood test that helps to decide the needed dose. Once done, we analyze the results and depending on the values, er offer you bio-identical testosterone cypionate in 10ml vials, with a concentration of 250ml per dl. Typical male patients(depending on their weight and blood test results) will inject a dose between 0.60 and 1.00ml per week.

Main goal for Anti Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic is to provide patients with an effective and safe program, that helps to elevate the levels of the hormone while continuously monitored with control blood tests to ensure elevations are optimum.

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