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Ethical Standards

Anti Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic

When referred to Medical Ethical Standards, there are some principles that are elemental for daily practice, and at Anti Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic we adhere to them.

Ethical Standards:


The principle of non-maleficence (or, do no harm) means that a health care professional should act in ways that he or she does no harm, even if her or his patient or client want them to do so. This principle is the first to be proposed because of its historical antecedence, directly called in the Hippocratic ‘primum nil nocere’– first of all, “do no harm” of medical ethics.


To produce benefit, for individual patients or clients, as we have implied above, is intimately connected to non- maleficence. Its apparently self- evident importance marks it out as the other core principle within the Hippocratic tradition: physicians should heal and help their patients, according to the physician’s abilities and judgment.

Health maximization

Even when following beneficence and non-maleficence in these individual encounters, it does not necessarily mean that population health is maximized, as the population is not at all within the focus of these micro- encounters. In the field of public health, the primary end sought is the health of the broader constituency of the public and improvements to this are the key outcome used to measure success.


There will always be more health need than resources to deal with that need. Literally all public health systems (and health care systems) worldwide lack resources. These two statements prompt the advocacy of a moral duty to use scarce health resources efficiently. So a moral principle of efficiency would demand, for example, the use of the evidence base and the performance of cost-benefit analyses to decide what should be done and how to do it.


It is extremely important to ensure the equal distribution of health outcomes in societies, which is often discussed in terms of public health as ‘health equity’.

Given the essential importance of health in the formation and development of every aspect of our equally valuable human lives, we owe each other equal access to health goods and positive determinants of health.
Justice is also the principle that covers normative aspects that are often discussed in the terminology of solidarity and reciprocity. Justice does so by giving an answer to the question of what we owe to each other. To have a concise set of principles, we focus only on justice.


As a principle, proportionality is certainly normative. It demands that in weighing and balancing individual freedom against wider social goods, considerations will be made in a proportionate way.

Proportionality can also be sees as a methodological principle. In a manner different to the principles we have so far discussed, it forms the basis for casuistic reasoning in relation to problems of individual welfare versus collective benefit in public health.

Ethical Standards

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