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Buy HGH in Vancouver – Canada

Buy HGH in Vancouver – Canada

The Anti Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic is pleased to offer a quality anti – aging program to the Vancouver, Canada metropolitan area. You can now buy HGH in Vancouver, Canada through the Anti Aging HGH & Testosterone clinic.

We offer a name brand FDA approved HGH, that is shipped overnight in a cold box.

Male patients that balance both their HGH and testosterone levels will generate the best anti – aging outcomes and maximize the quality and productivity of their lives.

Our anti – aging program is built around the foundation of HGH and testosterone therapy, balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and an annual comprehensive physical exam.

What are the elevation goals for HGH and testosterone replacement?

We elevate our patients HGH level 100 points on the IGF – 1 (HGH test). This elevation will be commensurate with what the patient had in the twenties. HGH dosages are prescribed in IU (international unit) and are a function of the patient´s base level and weight.

We elevate our male patient´s total testosterone level to 1000 ng per dl. Which is a healthy and safe elevation to a level of a male in their twenties.

All HGH and testosterone therapy is managed with blood tests. We prescreen our patients with our 20 Panel Silver test. All HGH and testosterone replacement is done with the highest standards of medical ethics and the patients health and well – being as top priority.

All our patients are assigned a doctor specializing in HGH and testosterone replacement. Your doctor will be in contact with you on a regular basis monitoring your health and wellness and using control blood tests.

Below you can see our Silver Blood Test Panel:

HemogramCreatinineTriglyceridesTotal testosterone
Vitamin B-12Uric AcidT.G.O. & T.G.P.DHEA-S
P.S.A (male only)Total cholesterolT4Cortisol
Fasting glucoseHDL cholesterolEstradiol (E2)Insulin
Urea nitrogenLDL cholesterolProgesterone (female only)IGF-1

Aging is inevitable, we offer our patients the tools to maximize the productivity and vitality of their lives as they pass through middle age and beyond.

Contact us now for a no cost no obligation executive summary about our program.

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