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Buy HGH in Seattle – Washington

Buy HGH in Seattle – Washington

The Anti Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic is now servicing the anti – aging and wellness needs of the Seattle, Washington metropolitan area. You can now buy HGH in Seattle, Washington through being a patient of The Anti Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic.

As we age our levels of HGH and testosterone decline. These low HGH and testosterone levels generate many unwanted aging ailments. Declines in energy, stamina, libido, bone density, increased body fat, looser and thicker skin are some of the typical signals of low HGH and testosterone levels.

We safely elevate our patients HGH and testosterone levels to where they were in their twenties. All dosages are calculated based on blood tests, the patient´s weight, and age.

Our HGH is FDA approved and a well- known name brand. Our prices are fifty percent less than what HGH can be purchased for in the Seattle, Washington metropolitan area.

All patients are assigned a doctor specializing in hormone replacement. We ship overnight in a temperature controlled cold box ensuring maximum integrity of the cold chain during shipment.

Your doctor will be in regular contact with you, monitoring your HGH and testosterone levels and you over all wellness.

A successful anti–aging program incorporates HGH and testosterone replacement, sound nutrition, regular exercise, and a good annual physical.

Below you can see our 20 Panel Silver Blood Test that all new patients have prior to starting our program:

HemogramCreatinineTriglyceridesTotal testosterone
Vitamin B-12Uric AcidT.G.O. & T.G.P.DHEA-S
P.S.A (male only)Total cholesterolT4Cortisol
Fasting glucoseHDL cholesterolEstradiol (E2)Insulin
Urea nitrogenLDL cholesterolProgesterone (female only)IGF-1

We provide you the tools and motivation to maximize the quality and productivity of your life as you age. Safe HGH and testosterone replacement is essential to quality age management.

Now is the time to enhance the vitality of your life!

Contact us now for a free executive summary about our program.


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