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Buy HGH in Portland

Buy HGH in Portland

Are you searching for quality HGH hormone replacement? The Anti Aging HGH and Testosterone Clinic in Portland, Oregon offers safe HGH hormone for sale. As one of the largest cities in the country, Portland is known for its thriving arts and music scene. Yes, our quality hormone injections can help ensure your help so that you can enjoy all that fun that your city has to offer.

Buy HGH in Portland

Many people are turning to HGH hormone therapy to help improve they’re overall health, to look and feel youthful. HGH is a hormone that the body produces in the pituitary gland. In fact, HGH experiences it’s maximum production during childhood and adolescent years. As we get older the pituitary gland decreases it’s HGH hormone output. This is such a vital hormone because it aids in the regulation of bone and muscle growth, heart function as well as regulate the metabolism.

Did you know that synthetic HGH hormone can be just as effective? After all, it’s an active ingredient in many prescription medications widely available on the market today. Bio-identical hormone therapy has been FDA approved for use in children and adults. HGH hormones offer numerous benefits including; strengthening the immune system, increases an individual’s overall energy and regulates the metabolism.

If you are interested in growth hormone injections you can rest assured that we make the process simple and easy. Each patient is assigned a physician that will serve as a guide and point of content during the process. The physician administers the HGH hormone replacement is administered in a 10mg 30 I.U pen which is the highest quality of bio-identical HGH available. Hormone injections aren’t a one-time treatment and it is administered over a time period. Regular blood tests carefully manage HGH injection.

Below is the Silver Panel Blood Tests that all new patients are required to have performed before being growth hormone therapy:

HemogramCreatinineTriglyceridesTotal testosterone
Vitamin B-12Uric AcidT.G.O. & T.G.P.DHEA-S
P.S.A (male only)Total cholesterolT4Cortisol
Fasting glucoseHDL cholesterolEstradiol (E2)Insulin
Urea nitrogenLDL cholesterolProgesterone (female only)IGF-1

Take the first step in enhancing your quality of life by taking the first step. Schedule a free initial consultation to find out more about HGH hormone and develop a plan for you.

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