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Human Growth Hormone Atlanta – Georgia

Human Growth Hormone Atlanta – Georgia

Are you looking for a reliable source of human growth hormone (HGH) in Atlanta, Georgia? Now Anti-Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic is offering FDA approved HGH at outstanding prices everyone can afford. Now Atlanteans don’t have to travel far to experience the health benefits of HGH.

Human Growth Hormone Atlanta – Georgia

HGH Provides Clear Health benefits:

    • Speedy healing and recovery
    • More defined muscles with less body fat
    • Higher levels of energy and motivation
    • Collagen firm skin
    • Decreased body fat percentage
    • Stronger immune system
    • A higher sense of well-being
    • Increased sexual desire
    • And more

The process is simple. Each new patient is connected with a hormone doctor who personalizes the medicine based on medical history and test results from a certified lab. The test results come from our Silver Blood Panel Test, which helps the medical professional to customize the dosage and to verify candidacy for HGH and testosterone hormone therapy.

Anti-Aging HGH & Testosterone Clinic provides the human growth hormone in the form of a 10 mg – 30 IU pen, which the patient injects the HGH five times a week. The process is painless with our disposable 32 gauge subcutaneous injection needles. We train patients on the injection process, making them feel as comfortable as possible.

The 20 Panel Silver Blood Test Entails:

Hemogram Creatinine Triglycerides Total testosterone
Vitamin B-12
Uric Acid
T.G.O. & T.G.P.
Vitamin B-12
Uric Acid
T.G.O. & T.G.P.
P.S.A (male only)
Total cholesterol
Fasting glucose
HDL cholesterol
Estradiol (E2)
Urea nitrogen
LDL cholesterol
Progesterone (female only)

When men combine growth hormone injection with testosterone replacement therapy, the HGH outcomes are stronger. You’ll feel ten years younger. For patients who combine regular exercise and a healthy diet, they will earn the best value for their money.

If you’ve reached a certain age, you may already be aware of how unkind time can be to your body and appearance. Aging brings forth many less than desirable and inevitable changes to your overall health, such as lower energy and fatigue, a slower metabolism, increased body fat, decreased muscle mass, a lower libido, aging skin and more. While all of these symptoms are merely a natural result of getting older, they can also be caused by declining hormone production within the body.

Each hormone in your body plays a vital role in nearly every major bodily function, including your body’s growth. Aging, as well as naturally declining hormone levels, are associated with many unfavorable aging symptoms and health conditions. As a result, anti-aging specialists such as those at Body Symmetry MD have been utilizing Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Peptide therapy to help reverse and slow the onset of aging symptoms and restore the bodily deterioration that accompanies aging with great success.


With the passage of time and approximately when adults enter their 30s, unfortunately they lose the ability to produce the growth hormone HGH.

This hormone is produced by the pituitary gland and its presence decreases systematically as the body ages.

Due to the decrease in the hormone HGH, the body suffers from an important insufficiency that mainly affects its growth, in such a way that a decrease in body fat as well as muscle mass is noted. This is why, although it is true, body fat tends to be located in the abdomen and strategic points of the torso; Due to this decrease, the body will have a significant loss of these elements.

The HGH hormone that the brain produces within the pituitary gland is easily lost after the age of 30.

The loss produces a significant decrease in the growth of the human body.

The HGH hormone is better known as the mother of all hormones, it is located at the base of the brain in the pituitary gland. It is an essential hormone since, in addition to being the stimulator of human growth, the endocrine gland that has an insignificant size such as that of a pea; It is responsible for producing the hormone HGH and transporting it through the blood system through our body during the night hours.

If someone keeps the levels of the hormone HGH below average, this leads to aerobic deficiencies.

In general, when a person suffers from obesity, they also have significant deficiencies of the hormone HGH.

Abundant scientific studies clearly demonstrate how HGH injections help to significantly reduce harmful levels of body fat by up to 6% and increase muscle mass by 6% as well. This HGH injection therapy must be performed under the strict supervision of a doctor through blood and IGF-1 (HGH) level checks of the people undergoing the treatment. A thorough examination is also of utmost importance before starting HGH replacement therapy.

With the HGH replacement program that we present, the goal is to raise the patient’s 100 points for the IGF-1 test (HGH test), reaching a safe maximum level of 350ng per ml in the IGF tests -1.

Among the abundant benefits of HGH to replace human growth hormone, we find:

– Lower storage capacity of body fat.
– Increased muscle mass.
– Better performance of the sleep schedule.
– Greater ability to recover and heal.
– It helps to significantly prevent both osteoporosis as well as the loss of mass of the bone system.
– Keeps the person alert, improves concentration, focus and maintains a healthy memory.
– Repairs the skin, restoring elasticity and leaving it smoother.


While many glands within your body work to produce different hormones, the pea-sized pituitary gland located at the base of your brain directly below the hypothalamus is often considered to be the “master control gland”. This is largely in part due to the pituitary gland’s role in controlling the other glands hormone production within your body, as well as for producing and the hormone responsible for your growth, or HGH. During childhood and adolescence, the HGH levels produced and secreted at their highest levels to help promote healthy growth and development. As you get older, however, it is normal for these levels to decline with age when you have finished developing.


Testosterone is a naturally occurring hormone that is produced in the testicles of males and ovaries of females. Testosterone is a member of a group of hormones known as Androgens. Testosterone is the principal male sex hormone. Testosterone production is stimulated by secretions from the pituitary gland.

Testosterone is a key hormone prompting biological changes in young males as they pass through puberty into adulthood. Some of the critical change testosterone promotes are:
Enlargement of penis and testicles
Appearance of body and facial hair
Deepening of the voice
Increased bone density and muscle mass

In adult male´s testosterone plays a critical role in regulating:

  • Libido
  • Sperm production
  • Muscle mass and strength
  • Bone mass
  • Fat distribution
  • Red blood cell production

Testosterone levels in males start to decline as males pass through their thirties and this trend accelerates as males pass through their forties.

Male testosterone levels are a function of DNA and lifestyle. Obese males have a high correlation with low testosterone levels. Males that embrace resistance training can stimulate testosterone production.

Approximately 15 % of males in their thirties have very low testosterone levels. As males pass through middle age and beyond their testosterone levels are much lower than when they were in their late twenties.

Typical symptoms of low testosterone levels are:

  • Declines in sex drive
  • Lower levels of energy and stamina
  • Increased body fat
  • Depression
  • Loss of muscle mass and strength
  • Lower bone density

Our clinic offers a safe effective program to elevate male testosterone levels to where they were in their early twenties. Our goal is to elevate male total testosterone levels to 1000 ng per dl. This is a level commensurate with a late twenty elevation.

We offer bio – identical testosterone Cypionate in 10 ml vials with a concentration of 250 mg per ml. Based on the patient´s weight and blood test results typical male patients will inject between 0.60 to 1.00 ml per week.

Control blood tests are used to monitor our patient´s testosterone levels to insure we are achieving optimum safe elevations.

Human Growth Hormone, where does it come from?

In the brain, the pituitary gland has somatotropic cells, which are responsible for storing and releasing HGH through the body. This takes place during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, these somatotropic cells release the HGH into the bloodstream.

The liver transforms the HGH into IGF-1 or insulin growth factor. IGF-1’s primary functions are to create tissue regeneration, boost the immune system, and increase bone density. When IGF-1 level are low, the individual suffers of tiredness, depression and anxiety, and excess fat.

HGH, a great fighter against aging.

Hormones act as critical messengers within the human body. One of those messengers is the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) or as it is also known, growth hormone (GH).
When individuals within their twenties, have optimal levels of GH in the bloodstream, but like other vital hormones decreases as you age.

Levels of HGH are not stable, and for some, it become unnaturally low, resulting in health problems. Low HGH levels can affect everything from your metabolism to fighting fat, to cause depression and low sex drive.

Data from research has shown that HGH helps fight age, build muscle, and improves metabolism. Men and women having hormone therapy with HGH report feeling younger and stronger.

Hormone therapy plan is different for each person, but for men the average needed dose is about 2.0 IU (international units) per day. Patients inject the hormone for five days each week.

Women usually need less (1.0 to 1.4 per week), but the injection schedule is also five days per week.

Men and women are recommended to inject the HGH right before sleep to ensure the best anti-aging outcomes.

Safe HGH sources.

It seems impossible now to believe that HGH formerly came from human cadavers. Fortunately, sourcing HGH from corpses changed in 1985. Genentech Labs revolutionized a new technology called DNA recombinant technology. The technology allowed the synthetization of HGH. The new HGH was identical to the HGH produced in the body and, when injected, has the same anti-aging effect.

Now you can find the following HGH brands:

  • Norditropin
  • Humatrope
  • Omnitrope
  • Genotropin
  • Saizen

All of the brands are federally-approved, but the Norditropin gives you the best outcomes at a price you can afford.

HGH injection system.

You can find a lot of misinformation online about what is the best way to administer HGH. Some people claim that a pill, nasal spray, or liquid is superior to an injection. This claim isn’t valid.

HGH is a 191 amino acid polypeptide with an enormous molecular structure. Due to its size, HGH is incapable of entering the liver via the bloodstream when ingested. The only way Human Growth Hormone can viably enter the blood is through a subcutaneous injection. Do not those false statements, it’s a scam.

HGH injections are fast and painless when done with a tiny 32 gage disposable needle. In seconds, HGH enters the bloodstream and begins its job— fight age, build muscle, and boost immune function.

We recommend you keep the HGH in the refrigerator to keep it fresh.

HGH works, studies prove it.

The New England Journal of Medicine, published a research in the in 1990 showing that males over 60 had boosted muscle mass and increased bone density when injecting HGH.

A second study years later in 2007 revealed that older people using hormone therapy with HGH had a significant muscle mass increase (2 kg) and an equally substantial body fat loss (2 kg).

No one in the study changed anything about their diet or daily exercise program.

Human Growth Hormone Atlanta – Georgia

Do you know how bio-identical human growth hormone(HGH) is produced?

In a high tech scientific process, the DNA sequence responsible for instructing the pituitary gland to produce HGH was discovered.

Since then, pharmaceutically produced HGH is also called Somatropin( which is the medical term for the hormone 

when its produced in a lab by using recombinant DNA technology) from various brands are available to the market.

Genentech Labs was the pioneer who received FDA approval for bioidentical HGH commercialization, after them, other competitive brands follow their trail getting their HGH approved to the market: Norditropin, Genotropin, Humatrope, Saizen, Omnitrope, Protropin.

After the scientists synthesized that DNA sequence, they started to use bacterial cells to inject them with it, instructing those cells to manufacture HGH.

Our choose is Norditropin, because of its fair value cost, and their ease delivery system, providing you a top product in a really fast turnaround.

Production process of bio-identical testosterone.

A major number of bio-identical testosterone, synthesized by pharmaceutical companies, are retrieved from soybeans and yams, since their molecular structure is identical to the testosterone naturally produced in our bodies.

The testosterone injectable we offer is testosterone cypionate in 10 ml vials 250 mg per ml. Injectable testosterone has an ester(a chemical compound derived from an acid in which at least one –OH group is replaced by an –O–alkyl group) added to the testosterone molecule.

There are various forms for prescribed bio-identical testosterone replacement, some of them are: injectable, creams, and pellets.

Pharmaceutical companies producing testosterone are: Allergan, Abbvie, UpJohn, and Endo Pharmaceuticals.

Now is the time to increase the quality of your life.

Call us now for a complimentary consultation and program details of how to buy human growth hormone in Atlanta, Georgia.

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